The used Cisco PVDM2-24DM digital modem PVDM module is a digital dial modem provided in a DSP form-factor for use in the on board PVDM slots. Refurbished Cisco PVDM2-24DM are designed to enhance dial access for the used Cisco 2800 router and used Cisco 3800 routers.
Refurbished and used Cisco PVDM2-24DM
- Max Transfer Rate = 56 Kbps
- Protocols & Specifications = Bell 103, ITU V.21, Bell 212A, ITU V.22, ITU V.22bis, ITU V.29, ITU V.32, ITU V.32bis, ITU V.34, ITU V.90, ITU V.17, ITU V.23, ITU V.27ter, k56Flex, ITU V.33, ITU V.92, ITU V.110 (I.463), ITU V.120 (I.465), ITU X.75
- Fax Compatibility = G3
- Error Correction Protocol = MNP-4, ITU V.42, MNP-2, MNP-3
- Data Compression Protocol = MNP-5, ITU V.42bis, ITU V.44